September 14, 2021

New £160m Government Funded Scheme to Upgrade Social Housing Properties

Have you heard about the new Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund? It’s a scheme launched by the UK government, specifically the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy department, and it has £160m available for installing renewable energy measures in social housing! This funding is unfortunately only available in England but it has some great potential for helping low-income households to upgrade their energy and heating system.

Here’s how it works;

  • Local authorities and housing associations can both bid for this funding, but all bids must be led and submitted by local authorities.
  • Qualifying properties must be EPC Band D, E, F or G. Properties must be upgraded to EPC Band C, or to Band D where this is not possible for Band F and G properties.
  • The maximum grant is £10,000 for Band D, £12,000 for Band E and £16,000 for Band F and G.
  • All work must be compliant with PAS2035:2019 and carried out by installers accredited to PAS2030:2019.

Key dates:
Competition Launch – 23rd August 2021.
Deadline for submission of bids by LAs – 15th October 2021.
Notification of winning bids – by end December 2021.
Grant Awards – January 2022.
Completion of work – 31st January 2023.

At Effective Energy Group, we have over 10 years’ experience in delivering funded schemes for energy suppliers and local authorities. If you are interested in the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, email Our expert team can give you more details and support in delivering the fund to you.

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